December 08, 2012


Psssttt!  Did you know?  Have you heard?  Yep, 16 more days and then it's Christmas!!  CRAZY!  Wasn't I just making a post about Halloween coming up?  And then another one about Thanksgiving?  Actually, I remember a post back when school started again saying that this time of year flies by for me.  Yep, it totally did.  In just a few short week this year will be over.  2012 gone and 2013 ready and waiting.  (Yeah, I'm not one of those who thinks we won't make it past this month.)  I'm excited December is here and I'm TOTALLY excited that Christmas is coming!  I love this time of year!!  We've had our decorations up for almost a month already, which is early for us, and we've loved every minute of it.  We were even early buying all of our Christmas presents.  And honestly, I've been sorely tempted to have Christmas early lol!  I just love this whole season and the extra peace and joy that comes with it.  I love that the Savior was born and what a special celebration His birth is!  Merry Christmas everyone!!

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