May 06, 2012

Jobs and homes

That's been my to do list, jobs and homes.  Jobs first, homes second. :)  It's been AWESOME that my husband just graduated from school because now we're onto that next adventure in our life, looking for a job.  There are so many jobs we can apply to and hopefully we find one that's just the right fit.  Right now it seems exciting to be job searching but that may not last if we have to look for a long time.  So hopefully, we don't have to look forever!  After we find a job, who knows where, we can start looking for a home.  We may be looking for homes in Oregon, or Montana, or we may look at louisville homes and that market.  Right now, just the thought of being able to buy a home is pretty exciting!  I'm really looking forward to this next part of our lives. :D

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