October 12, 2011

Needs to be cleaner

My skin is usually pretty good. Not the smoothest and acne free type of skin but it's not too bad. When I got sick it got worse and that wasn't pretty but now that I'm better it's better too. I don't know how so many people get naturally blemish free skin. Genetics has to play a part. Skin care plays a part to. Maybe my use regular soap method isn't working for me. I should probably look into komenuka bijin products and see how my skin reacts to it. On the plus side, I have been better about taking my makeup off at the end of the day which is good for your skin right? I used to leave it on but now I make sure it's all off before I go to bed. One step at a time I guess. Makeup removal first, deep cleansing second. I can do that.

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