May 06, 2010

I finally did it!

I am done with my degree! I made it through finals! I graduate tomorrow! I am done!!!! Holy toledo with macaroni and cheese I am finally done! Four years ago I didn't even know what I wanted to major in. Then I decided and knew I had a long road ahead. And it was long. And hard. Receiving this degree was one of the hardest things I've had to do. The best part? No, not the degree. No, not the pay. The best part is what I've learned about myself and how much I've grown. This whole experience was out of my comfort zone but I did well considering, and it was good for me. I'll never change what has happened and what I've gained. I'm proud of myself for persevering through. Go me! :D


Kate said...

HOORAY! *does happy dance with and for you!*
I had wanted to send you something for your grad, but unfortunately it'll be a little late . . .

Scott and Kel said...

CONGRATS!!! Hope you find a job you love and enjoy using all that hard work! Great job!!

Rich said...

I'm so proud of you and all of your hard work.

Rhoda said...

Neat! So you are graduating tomorrow...are you walking? congrats to one of the few women in our family to hold a college degree! A. W. E. S. O. M. E!

Kara said...

Congrats Michelle! I'm so proud of you! Way to go!

Darci and Ryan said...

Way to go! Congrats!

Jen said...

WOO HOOOOOO!!! You so deserve a huge celebration and all the pride in the world!
I can't believe it's been 4 years. I remember when you were talking about it and some people put you down and didn't support you in it. So glad you didn't listen to them. Phbbbttthhhh on them! :D
Now go conquer the world!