October 14, 2009

Always the last to know

It's not a secret that my dad and I aren't very close. It's not because of tension or we hate one another, I think the main thing is we're just so different. Things are fine except for one part of our relationship and that is when his health is bad and he, and no one else in my family, will tell me about it. During our last conversation I found out my dad might possibly have pneumonia, diabetes, and prostate cancer. What?! Of course he didn't know for sure during that phone call, but I was still so surprised that no one said anything, that's some serious stuff! My dad has never been big on seeing doctors or looking into getting a colon cleanse or anything else to help with his health. Thankfully he doesn't have pneumonia or prostrate cancer, but how scary if he did. We may not be close, but I don't want him to die. It's never easy watching your parents get old. Hopefully both of mine stick around for a long time.

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