July 19, 2007

Friday's Feast

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On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how much do enjoy watching sports on television?

*6 - I really like watching gymnastics, tennis, and swimming.

If you could completely memorize any one work of fiction, which one would you pick?

*Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.

What is your favorite breakfast food?

*Strawberry crepes, yum!

Main Course
Name something fun you can do for less than $10.00.

*Go play miniature golf.

How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?

*Around 5 minutes when I really tired.

Join us by going to Friday's Feast Home.


Anonymous said...

crepes are so yummy, I just have a hard time making them!! Great feast answers--enjoy your Friday.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm horrible at miniature golf! Crepes would be good!

Happy Friday!

Juzahlyn said...

crepes are yummy..great breakfast food...happy weekend

Anonymous said...

Crepes! I love banana crepes :) And Jane Austen as well.

Great feast!

Amazing Gracie said...

Crepes are SO good because you can stuff them with anything! What a great feast!

Melody said...

Great feast! I love watching gymnastics too.

Happy friday!

Ingrid said...

You are lucky, I love playing minigolf but it costs more then 10$ !(Unfortunately)

Alice said...

Hi Michelle, I almost choose "Pride and Prejudice" too. LOL. Great feast. Have a wonderful weekend!

Hootin Anni said...

strawberry crepes? Oh, drooling here!! And I would think that memorizing Pride and Prejudice would be most difficult!!

JHS said...

Strawberry crepes. A blast from the past. Haven't had a crepe in years. I'm sure they're full of fat so it will be many more years. :-(

My feast is served! :-)

Mitchypoo said...

Yum, crepes! Great feast!

Kara said...

Mmm, strawberry crepes are yummy :D Good feast Michelle

Alison said...

I forgot about miniature golf, but I'm really no good at that anyway. I enjoyed your feast - have a great weekend!

Sandee said...

Strawberry crepes. Yummy. I haven't had those in a very, very long time. Have a great FF and weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

Great Feast! Happy Friday!

Kim said...

Great feast! Sorry, I'm running a bit behind visiting everyone this past weekend.

Forgot about golf. Need to do that again some time soon.

Come on over and feast with me.