July 24, 2007


I'm wiped today. Darn Harry Potter book for being so good and keeping me up late! lol We were up reading until almost 3am last night. Then it was too hot to fall asleep comfortably. I think we finally dozed around 4am and I had to be up at 8:30. I'm trying to take a nap but it's hard to do with three children and Harry Potter on my mind. Good thing I'm halfway through the book. Then I can get more sleep right? lol


Kara said...

Sorry you didn't get much sleep :( I hope tonight you can sleep better. I had to force myself to go to bed instead of read HP all night this weekend too lol, otherwise you get sucked in and forget the time :D

Anonymous said...

We have the new Harry Potter book but probably only Jake will be reading it. I stopped on book 4. Let me know how it turns out, in an email?