Just a quick recap of last weeks goals. No new habits to add this week, but I'm still trying. My morning prayers and getting to bed early were really awful this week. I've had so much to do and so little time it felt like. But my other goals aren't doing too bad. I do want to say that my goal for positive thinking has been very fulfilling this past week. When I was in a situation where I had a negative thought come into my head, I immediately dismissed it. I found this to be INCREDIBLY liberating! I wasn't standing there continually mulling over that thought and worrying about it. I let it go and I moved on. I know this is like "duh!" but it hasn't always been easy for me.
So I'm loving that goal along with the speaking less. Speaking less has helped me hear things I haven't heard before. So because of that I'm adding on that I want to speak in a softer tone. I did that a few times last week and it helped to change my attitude into a more positive one. I loved it. :) Here's my list and hopefully soon I'll have some new habits!
*Don't spend money before it gets into my account - HABIT!
*Brush/floss everyday - HABIT!
*Entering in receipts - HABIT!
*1 - More patient/understanding - A-
*2 - Say morning prayers - D+
*3 - Teaching my kids to work - B-
*4 - In bed by 10:30pm or sooner - D+
*5 - Better eating - B+
*6 - Thinking before I speak/speaking less/softer tone - B+
*7 - Get girls teeth brushed - A-
*3 - Teaching my kids to work - B-
*4 - In bed by 10:30pm or sooner - D+
*5 - Better eating - B+
*6 - Thinking before I speak/speaking less/softer tone - B+
*7 - Get girls teeth brushed - A-
You have some great habits listed there :)
Have a great week!
Rachel xxx
Great job with your habits! I love how so many of them focus on your attitude. Good luck this week.
This is a great list of habits. I had to chuckle at the grading system. I love it! Must be the student in you!!
It sounds like you are doing really well making some positive changes! How encouraging! Have a great week.
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