June 12, 2007

Summer Fun

I love summertime because we get out of the house more. We go to the park, we run, we play on the grass, we go for walks, we visit the zoo and pet stores, and we enjoy storytime at the library. My favorite part of this summer though includes three things. First, my husband is home and for the first time in about 2 years we have quality family time together. Second, we plan on camping quite a bit. Lastly, we just bought a bike trailer and have been able to bike as a family. The girls love it and so do we! I can't wait to go biking again later today.


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I used to take my kids to library story time quite often. It is one of our favorite memories. Your summer 'o fun sounds great. You'll be making lots of family memories.

Mimo- JenK said...

Fun! I love bike riding too. I need to get some of that done this summer with my 5 year old riding a bike now.