June 16, 2007

S.M.A.R.T. Habit Saturday!

Well surprise, surprise I didn't do well on my prayers or going to bed early or even flossing/brushing. I'm making a huge sign to put by my bed for prayers. If that doesn't work, I'm going to put a huge rock right at the side of my bed so I kick it when I get up. As for going to bed early, I tried. One night I was about to but one of my kids woke up and needed me. The other nights, my husband has been letting me take a nap during the day so I'm not as tired at night. But I'll keep trying. As for my teeth, I've just been lazy.

With that said, I'm sticking to my goals and I'm going to make another list. A brightly colored list so it stands out! One of these days I'll get these all to be habits and get A+'s across the board. I can dream right? lol

#1 - Spending money before it gets into my account - A+
A. Enter receipts same day - A-

#2 - Exercise at least three times a week - A+

#3 - More patient/understanding - A-

#4 - Say morning prayers - D- (only did this once)

#5 - Teaching my kids to work - B+

#6 - In bed by 10:30pm or sooner - F+

#7 - Brush/floss everyday - D+

Check out SHS at Lara's blog.


LadySnow said...

You can do it! I know you can.... :)

An Ordinary Mom said...

We all seem to have habits that are easier to come by than others. One of these decades my habits will really be habits ... including my bed time :)!!

Betty's Loosing Race said...

Habits can be hard to form.

Keep at it and don't give up!


Montserrat said...

I need visual reminders, like a list, too. Onward and upward, you can do it!

Andrea said...

good idea to have it on colored paper. I really should write my goals out too and put them up cause i always forget what i'm working on. You're doing great!

Robin said...

Visual reminders help a lot. GO FLOSS YOUR TEETH! Hope that helped too :D

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I just read at another blog that flossing our teeth can add a year to our lives! I'm going to have to start doing this regularly instead of hit or miss.

Lara said...

Going to bed early is so hard! I just love having that late time to goof off without kids but I know I would do better to goof off in the morning.

When I first started my morning prayer I would say it whenever I remembered, even if it was 4:00 in the afternoon! Now it's a habit to say it as soon as I get up but it has taken a while.

Ice Cream said...

I love the report card. maybe you should do what some parents do with their kids:
for every A you get 5 bucks
Bs get a dollar
Cs get nothing
Ds you owe a dollar
Fs you owe 5 bucks