June 21, 2007


My knees are really hurting. One day last week I was in high spirits and wanted to run more than I guess I should have. Ever since my knees have been in pain. I keep stretching and applying heat/cold to them but they're not getting any better. I don't know if I actually did any damage. I'm kind of clueless what I should do at this point. Anyone have some recommendations? Maybe I can wade it out and they will feel better. I'd be so bummed if I couldn't run my 5k. Maybe I need some magic knee dust sent my way. Maybe google has some.


Ginabear said...

I'm sorry about your knees. Wish I knew how to help but I am strictly an ankle person! Seriously though, knee problems bite!! I'm sure I will end up with wooden ones soon...in my old age!! ;)

Kara said...

Maybe my knee pain transferred to you? I'm sorry :( Did I give you that brace back? I think I did. Maybe it would help? I hope your knees feel better.

Michelle said...

Gina - ankles and biting in one paragraph - scary!

Kara - You did, I'll put it on for Saturday. I think it's my own fault. :P

Ginabear said...

Very observant my little ducky! Hows that for a play on words??

Andrea said...

I think the only cure is to sit down and rest and do nothing for oh... atleast a week. everyone must serve you.
take it easy though and no more overdoing it!
hope you can still run your 5k.