June 15, 2007

Friday's Feast

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Fill in the blank: The best thing about where I live is _________________…

*There are other married/college students with families that live here.

Create a new name for a deodorant (like “Flower Fresh” or “Shower Scent”).

*Simply Delightful.

What was the last piece of software you installed onto your computer?

*Anti-virus program.

Main Course
If you were to receive a superlative award today beginning with the words ”Most likely to…”, what would the rest of the phrase say?

*Most likely to be honest.

What two colors do you like to wear together?

*Lately I've liked wearing light blue jeans and dark blue shirts.

You can join Friday's Feast by going here.


Anonymous said...

Awesome feast!! Have a wonderful weekend.

Kara said...

Good feast :)

FalnAngel7 said...

We think alike for the deodorant - I had pretty much the same answer :) Happy Friday!