June 08, 2007

Friday's Feast

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What do you consider to be the ultimate snack food?

*Nibs, I could eat them all day if my body would let me. lol

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), about how popular is your last name?

*About a 5.

Who is your all-time favorite sitcom character, and why?

*I have many I like so I'll just pick one. Bill Cosby from the Cosby show. :)

Main Course
Do you shop online? If so, name some sites you like to browse for goodies.

*I mainly shop online at Wal-mart and eBay.

Fill in the blank: I think ___________ should be ___________.

*I think good ice cream should be fat and calorie free. (I can dream right?)


Kara said...

Mmm nibs... yummy feast!

Anonymous said...

What are nibs? I've never heard of them. Great feast! Have a wonderful weekend!

Michelle said...

Nibs are like little Twizzlers and are really yummy. :)