June 01, 2007

Friday's Feast

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Name something you think is “the best.”
*Ice cream is "the best" in my opinion. :D

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 highest), how stressed are you today?
*It may fluctuate, but right now I'm at 2.

What kind of cleanser do you use to wash your face?
*Soap and water. I had some Biore face cleanser for awhile and I loved that.

Main Course
Tonight is a blue moon! What is something that you believe only happens “once in a blue moon.”
*Me not having to clean one thing in my house.

When was the last time it rained where you live?
*It rained earlier this week.

Friday's Feast Home.


jenny said...

Thanks for the feast! I agree with your main course. :-)

JHS said...

Ice cream . . . ah, part of my past life! :-)

I like that you used the old header.

My feast is served!

Kara said...

Good feast Michelle :) I need to buy some more ice cream for Baby's party tomorrow yummy!

Anonymous said...

loved your answers--especially the main course :)

The Gal Herself said...

Thanks for tasting my feast, and I hope your day stays a 2. That's a good way to go into the weekend.

Raggedy said...

quack quack
I like ice cream...
Great Friday Feast!
My feast is served.
Have a wonderful day!
(")_ (")Š

Karen said...

Thanks for posting on my feast. Great feast! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

Joseph C. Harris said...

Great feast. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my feast.

Eleisia said...

I like your Friday Feast image. I'm new so finding my way around.
Enjoy your almost stressless day.
Thanks for visiting my feast.

Alice said...

It's nice to see such a low level of stress, Michelle. Nice feast you have here. Happy Weekend!

P/S: Thanks for coming by to visit. :D