May 22, 2007

Tuesday Thoughts

I've been thinking a lot about my little family and money. Prices for almost everything is going up. Not just a little either, quite a bit. Things are only going to get worse, price-wise, and if I don't start making better choices now, we're going to be in trouble later. My husband and I have been trying to figure out a car schedule for this upcoming school year to try and save gas. This summer, we plan on leaving the house maybe 2 or 3 times a week, also to save gas. I'm doing better about not eating out too so we have money for regular food. $15 to eat out for one meal is insane, really! I can feed my family 2-3 meals for that price.

Not to mention, we want our children to be able to get into the activities they want as they grow up. There's no way that's going to happen if we keep overspending and get back into debt again. The decisions we make now, does and will affect us later. I'm going to keep trying to do better.

Below are some funny pictures about gas prices. They made me laugh, but it's really true. :)

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Dawn said...

Seriously, gas is just OUTRAGEOUS right now. Thank goodness my mom drives a hybrid (50+ mpg) so when she comes to take us to do things will be all wwe can afford to go out and do - gas is just too expensive. We are still planning one out-of-town trip, but in Cali, if you leave to go somewhere, you pay LESS for gas...LOL

Lorie said...

I heard something on the news that they are saying gas will continue to go up until July 4th and then we may see a little relief. I hope so! We have to drive two cars to go anywhere all together!
Those pictires were funny!

Kara said...

I hate the rising gas prices. My family lives 3hrs away and Hubbys is 1hr away and we don't get to see them much cuz it's just way too expensive to drive there. Loved the cartoons, so true.

Beth said...

Those cartoons would have been more funny if they weren't so true! Wahh! At least I've cut out my 20-mile-per-day commute with seminary being over (although CES *will* reimburse me for some of it, besides blessings and whatnot, right?) We were considering buying a second car with the new baby coming, but with the gas prices going up and up and up, I'm gonna hold off ... I can't give up the good gas mileage on my Civic, even if it'll be tough to squeeze our family in!

Stacey said...

Unfortunately those are very true! I get so angry every time I go by a gas station. ARRRRGGGHHH!