May 25, 2007

Potty Training - try #2

You may recall our earlier experience attempting to PT. It didn't go so well so we took a break. We just borrowed the Bear in the Big Blue House video from the library about going potty. My oldest was so excited that Tutter (the mouse in the BITBBH) went potty that she wanted to try too. My thinking, it's been three months maybe she's ready.

No. She did try every time she was on the toilet but only peed once. Which is really good! But she didn't recognize to tell me she had to go to the bathroom until it was too late. I ran the garbage's out really quick and come back to her running towards me telling me she went to the bathroom. I said yay! Good for you! Then I realized, wait. Did she go on the toilet or somewhere else? I asked and her response "I went on your bed!" She was so proud. I was devastated. She had peed on my memory foam pillow. *cry* I didn't get mad though. Just said we would keep trying.

She's back in a diaper and we'll still talk about trying to go potty but she's just not ready yet. She tried so I give her A+ for effort. :)


Kara said...

Oh no! Sorry about your pillow. Don't worry, not many kids go off to college in diapers, so I'm sure she'll learn sometime :)

Lorie said...

Sounds like she is getting closer. Sorry about your pillow. I think Potty Training is so hard, but I do not even remember training my 7yr old, so maybe we forget all the bad stuff about it. lol

Michelle said...

Kara - I HOPE she's not still in diapers in college! LOL

Lorie - I think we do forget all the bad stuff. I know when she's ready it will be pretty easy. She's getting there. :)

Rich said...

You had better not try and switch pillows with me. :) lol