July 26, 2009

Monday Muse

I need help figuring something out. I've thought about this off and on over the years and have yet to come to a really good conclusion. I guess I just don't get people because well, sometimes they really baffle me.

So, here's my question. Why do people, tell other people, when they break the law/rules? You know who I'm talking about, these kind of individuals:

"I had to drive 20 mph over the speed limit to get to work on time today!"

"We had to drive clear to the next state to buy illegal fireworks."

"Some of the additions on our new house aren't exactly up to code, but what the city doesn't know won't hurt them."

"There's a mechanical problem but the new owners don't need to know. They're getting what they paid for."

"I love getting movies and music off the internet without paying for them."

Ok, maybe part of the problem is that I don't understand why people tell ME these things. Honesty and following the rules has always been huge to me. It's so important that some people think I'm almost anal about it. But I like being honest and I feel better about myself when I am. So I guess I don't understand how some people can do these little acts of dishonesty and not have a problem?

Take the fireworks for example. I know plenty of people who love to go out and buy illegal fireworks. Why? Sure, they may be more exciting than the little ones you buy from a local fireworks stand but why take the risk of getting in trouble? It seems like such an easy law NOT to break.

In religious terms, this makes me think about our relationship with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They give us little tests of obedience that normally seem very easy to follow, yet, so many people don't. We're told that we can't be given more knowledge and enlightenment if we can't even do the simple stuff.

I don't know. I'm not saying I'm holier than anyone else out there, I have plenty of my own faults. But somethings just seem really easy to do or not do. I guess that's where one struggle for someone might be easy, but for someone else may be really hard, comes into play. We all deal with things differently.


Beth said...

I hate it when people tell me those things, too! Maybe they are looking for you to tell them it's okay (as if a mortal being's opinion could change what God wants)? I struggle with that, because I HATE confrontation, but I'm also a very follow-the-rules kind of person (even if the rules don't make sense or aren't illegal I'll have issues! I was freaking out that I was going to get "busted" for taking my four-year-old to a five-and-up activity at the library, for example).

So yeah, I hear ya. I'm not sure why people tell me these things; it makes me think less of them, and I don't like to feel less of people. :-(

Cami Jo said...

Amen Sista!