January 30, 2009

Fun fiddle-faddle Friday

Did you know you have a spinal cord? I'm sure you do. Did you know that it's a vital part of your body? You probably do. But what else do you know about your spinal cord? Let's find out with this week's fiddle-faddle. Good luck!

Q: In inches, how long is your spinal cord? (The winner will be the one who's closest to the right answer.)


Anonymous said...

Let's see . . . I'd guess the spinal chord is about 24 inches long . . .

Rhoda said...

It doesn't depend how tall you are?

20 inches!

Beth said...

Man, everyone always takes my answers. I was also wondering if it depended on how tall you were, and I was also going to say 2 feet (which, according to my awesome math prowess, is 24 inches, which is what Kate said).

Also, totally guessing EVERY time when it comes to all these anatomy questions!!!! :-P

Alyson and Ford said...

All I can find out is that it is 43 - 45 cm or about 18 inches? Close?

Alyzabeth's Mommy